Select the oval object as fast as you can without making mistakes!

Help us understand better how humans detect objects correctly under different conditions. You will always see two marble blocks labeled "1" and "2". On one of the blocks there will always be an oval object like the one below (the object on the other block will change on every trial, but it will never be an oval):

Press "1" when the Oval Object
is on top of Block 1


Press "2" when the Oval Object
is on top of Block 2


Your task is to tell us on top of which block is the oval object by pressing "1" or "2" on your keyboard.
You should do this as quickly as you can without making mistakes. You'll have up to 1 second to respond. We'll let you know if you were too slow. Please mind that your responses will be useful only if at least 80% of them are correct. We will give you feedback on each trial (green = correct, red = wrong).

This HIT is short (~6 minutes). It's important that you pay attention to the screen all the time. Please try to stay focused!

Make sure your browser window is maximized. You must be on a laptop or desktop computer to participate in this HIT (no cellphones or tablets). Click "Start Experiment" to begin with a few practice trials.

By completing this survey or questionnaire, you are consenting to be in this research study. Your participation is voluntary and you can stop at any time.

Start Experiment
You're done with practice!

If you haven't already, please maximize your browser window.

Press spacebar to start the experiment.
stim1 stim2 stim3 stim4 stim5 stim6 stim7

Too slow!

Press spacebar to continue

All done! Before you submit, please select the best description for the following 4 images:


This is a circular object (viewed head-on or at some angle)
This is an oval object (viewed head-on or at some angle)


This is a circular object (viewed head-on or at some angle)
This is an oval object (viewed head-on or at some angle)


This is a circular object (viewed head-on or at some angle)
This is an oval object (viewed head-on or at some angle)


This is a circular object (viewed head-on or at some angle)
This is an oval object (viewed head-on or at some angle)

All done! You can now submit the HIT. Thank you!

Please feel free to leave any comments below about how the experiment went.